2 Things that change when you begin to see life from others' perspectives.

Utibe Usen
3 min readOct 31, 2023


Photo by redcharlie | @redcharlie1 on Unsplash

Hello, it’s been a minute here. Life got me joggling a lot of things that I got carried away with writing. Should I say we are back? Of course, I’ll do my best to be here.

Now to the topic above, during the last few months, I was submerged in a situation that stole my peace and kinda opened my eyes to an aspect of me I hadn’t embraced. The lessons left me broken and sober yet it is helping me grow and stand firm in my decisions and self-discovery. You know, one never gets old knowing oneself.

One of the things I have learned about change is that it is constant yet dynamic. It is your choices that make the difference; it’s like saying you love strawberry ice cream and it’s your go-to treat every day despite there being other options of ice cream to choose from. Your decision to go with this flavor knowing well there are others you can choose from at any time makes it dynamic.

However, I have learned that two things can happen to you when you look from yourself and see life through the lens of another.

Firstly, you see that you are not always right. Yeah, you heard it? Two people can be looking at a bended tree and one person sees an R shape, the other sees an N shape. Just because what you see makes sense to you doesn’t mean you right off the experiences of others and see yours as the only supreme opinion or experience in the room.

Nah, that’s offensive and says a lot about your person. There are areas where one is right on certain grounds, based on religion, morality, and faith. But the rule is, to acknowledge others' experiences, give a listening ear, come out of your cocoon and self-view of the world, take a step into their reality, and see what is going on there. You will be surprised how much you can learn.

The second and final thing when you see life from another perspective is that you will learn, relearn, and unlearn. Sometimes you may be heartbroken but this will help you appreciate life more, the moments you have, and how similar your experience and expectations are with others.

Me, I am still on the journey of self-discovery embracing my flaws, loving myself, and building healthy self-esteem. And knowing that it’s not all about me and won’t always be about me, but about how the person I am can impact this world, my family, and my loved ones.

Next time you are in a room full of people before you jump in and make yourself known with your many opinions. Take a seat back, lean in, listen to others, and try seeing life through their lens. Whether their views are good, ugly, or bad. You are gathering information that way, and wisdom profits much.



Utibe Usen

Utibe is a mum and content creator who is passionate about personal development and growth. She is a creative writer and counselor who bring words to life.