A letter to my past self: 4 useful tips I wish she knew

Utibe Usen
3 min readJul 28, 2021

what advice would you give?

Photo by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash

In writing this letter, I’m putting two things first. To begin with, I apologize for what I did in ignorance, as Maya Angelou said: “excuse yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it.” Please accept my apology.

For now, let me explain that the world I have survived childhood in is quite different from the world I imagined probably as a youngster. Sharing this information with her will demonstrate how my life now would have been so much simpler.

Dear Young Utibe,

Just like the curious cat, you were the kid who did the most, constantly inquisitive and asking endless questions that received no response. It wasn’t that your inquiries were dubious and required explanation, but because everyone around you couldn’t understand why a young girl asked so many questions. This put them in the spotlight and left them with their mouths agape without taking a single breath.

Anyway, here are four things you should have known that I will clarify: Firstly, the world doesn’t care how much you know; what matters is how far you can address their challenges. You began writing even before you turned 12 and, if you had known that writing would be your niche today, you would have committed time, study, training and boldness to it which would have made you distinctively unique as an author today.

In addition, life is risky due to its self-contradictory nature and harsh encounters. When you were a child, you lacked the affection you required. However, you were surrounded by friends and relatives who showed you love in their own particular way. Having quality time, expressing affection through your love language, and being taken seriously were essential.

Due to your lack of those experiences, you became injured, tyrannized and pushed to the brink of self-loathing, body-disgracing, and low self-confidence, which you maintained because you looked for external approval.

Furthermore, a helpful hint for you to consider is that life is not generally going to be simple and reasonable for you. While there will be turbulent periods of kickback, analysis, and jealousy, there will also be plenty of happy times, declarations, and feelings that will drive you insane.

The third useful tip I wish you knew is that not all princesses marry princes. As a child, you watched many Disney princesses dreaming of their sovereign, a man with excitement, strength, and abundance, without seeing how he acquired these qualities. As well, you hoped to meet Mr Perfect one day, a man who could inspire you deeply.

Relationships can be challenging to maintain. The ideal person does not simply appear and there are no perfect individuals. You must strive to become that individual who is able to attract and keep the man you share similar qualities with and realize that you both will work together to make a lovely home.

My last useful tip is that life changes. Every aspect of life is dynamic, and the world seeks to adapt to changes, so tolerating and cherishing yourself is the greatest gift of affection you can give yourself. Regardless of the fact that the world will throw stones at you and might need to address what they think is an oddity with your character, the world does not define you. It is you who define yourself!

Nevertheless, you will discover things to adore, and nature is a genuine model of how to love life and overcome its challenges. It is true that those shot life tosses simply make you more grounded.

As I keep in touch with my future self, I wish you love and light.



Utibe Usen

Utibe is a mum and content creator who is passionate about personal development and growth. She is a creative writer and counselor who bring words to life.