December 2020

Utibe Usen
2 min readDec 12, 2022


Dear Readers,

It’s been a minute and I am delighted to be writing to you. The holiday season is here and I am so happy because this month is a significant one for me.

In my last post, I mentioned I would be sharing with you a bit of info about my experience post delivery, today I will talk about anxiety.

Since my baby arrived, my anxiety level rose from a 100 to a 1000 and I also had a traumatic postpartum which by God’s grace I am easing off gradually.

What have I done about this? Mostly prayed and sought help from reliable sources. You see, the mind is like a cookie jar, whatever you put into it stays. Until, you decide to empty the jar.

For me, my mind had been a battlefield postpartum.

Some days were crazy, and other times, it was good but what encouraged me was my eagerness to sieve whatever information I was hearing or reading.

Now, back to why the holiday is special. Around this time in 2020 I had a miscarriage, I was pregnant at that time and it was hell, that moment of my life was the worst I had ever experienced. The hospital visits, the night pains, family neglect, uncertainty about the future, and mental exhaustion.

Yes, I have a baby now but it doesn’t change that I lost one before, I was attached to one before and the pain of loss caused me mental pain which took me two years to get over.

I learned from my experience and to be honest I saw God’s help and grace too.

This year, I’ll be celebrating my December with my baby and family and I am thrilled.

Till I write again,

Happy Holiday!



Utibe Usen

Utibe is a mum and content creator who is passionate about personal development and growth. She is a creative writer and counselor who bring words to life.