Embracing Life has it Happens.

Utibe Usen
2 min readNov 2, 2022


Hi, there! It’s been a while since I last posted here, to tell you the truth I have wanted to write but every time I attempted to, it seemed like my thoughts disappear and I resign to doing other things.

I am happy or should I say, I am excited to be here again. The past few months have been a burst of different emotions and overwhelming situations. I have become a new person, taking care of my baby, multitasking and caring for my relationships among other things . It almost seems like I lost myself, but that wasn’t the case. I was dealing with a new me from a different angle.

Life happens and it’s on you to embrace it and change whatever you don’t want or like about your reality. You see that picture above, I didn’t look like that two months after delivery, I judged everything, from looks to home management and I lost it mentally. Honestly, I have been mentally depressed for months, recently light shown on me.

Well, I thank God. In the coming weeks, I’ll share with you what this season of my life has taught me and I hope you get light from it.

Till next time, I hope you are good and staying sane in this rather insane world.

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Utibe Usen

Utibe is a mum and content creator who is passionate about personal development and growth. She is a creative writer and counselor who bring words to life.