Is your anchor money or God?

Utibe Usen
3 min readOct 22, 2021
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

It is with great excitement that I begin this part of my writing where I share my faith and the wonderful works of God in my life, as well as the lessons I learn from them. In my experience, no matter how unstable your life becomes, you will draw life and hope from knowing that God is always with and for you.

Today, I’d like to share with you something that dropped into my heart a few days ago, while doing my chores. My life hasn’t been without its drawbacks financially, and often because I worry a lot, it has gotten the better of me. My problems have sometimes been solved with a little cash, and other times I hope and see nothing.

This particular day, I had so much money that I was so confident in myself, then boom! I was struck by the thought, “Is it the money or God that gives me confidence?” Money gives you this sense of ownership, and it enhances your personality. You bask in this glory of accomplishment, and if you aren’t cautious enough, you may fall into your own pride.

As I pondered the question, I knew it came directly from the Holy Spirit.

Although money can do many things, it can have very few effects on a man’s life. To explain, with money you can buy happiness if the things that make you happy are material in nature, such as clothing, jewellery, or food. However, you can also find yourself in a situation or place where your money does nothing. It cannot even save your life or earn you an important job because other things take up that space.

As I read this, I am reminded of the importance of trusting God; even when the money is more than enough, my confidence in God should be standard. That money shouldn’t be my anchor.

According to Proverbs 23:5 (Easy Version), “Your money can disappear quickly.” It can seem to grow wings and to fly away like a big bird.”

You see, money is subject to disappearance, so if your anchor is your wealth, not God who has the power to multiply and supply all your needs, then you set yourself up for failure.

You might want to ask yourself this question today: If I lost all my money today, would life still be worth living? If you answered no, then I can tell you that God is the best anchor because you will find solace in him. While this doesn’t shield you from life’s many obstacles, it assures you that with God you will overcome any challenge that comes your way.

You can trust him in everything, including your finances.

I hope this piece blessed you.

I invite you to pray this prayer if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour.

“Lord, I ask you into my heart and invite you to be the Lord of my life. Thank you for saving my soul and for loving me and caring for me enough to save me. Today, I choose you to be my anchor, my saviour and pillar of my life. Thank you, because I know it has been done. Amen”

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Utibe Usen

Utibe is a mum and content creator who is passionate about personal development and growth. She is a creative writer and counselor who bring words to life.