How To Get Your Mojo Back!

Utibe Usen
4 min readJun 26, 2020

“If you look at the world one way, it takes from you — it’s a thief of time, energy, creative mojo. But if you look at the world another way, it gives you an endless supply of motivation.” — Julianna Baggott

Are you presently at a level where you can’t get things done no matter how hard you try? Do you see somethings’ that interests you but once you jump into it, you’re easily demotivated and procrastinate?

Have you been busy but not productive? If your answer to these questions is yes. I understand your feelings, you may be wondering how this is possible? let me confess, I am in that phase, and this led me to write this to you.

What you are experiencing is what I call ‘The Mojo Drop’ and it simply means “Lacking Motivation”.

Here is my story, for a month I wasn’t able to write a story or an article and any time I tried to read, it ended in tears ironically. I began postponing reading or writing for a day, days turned into weeks and weeks eventually became a month😁. Asides from this, the online courses I enrolled for and my school lectures were put on hold by yours truly, why? The unmotivated me kept lying to herself that she would do it the next day, and would end up doing nothing for a week.

What happened next? I ended up watching movies, chatting a lot, playing phone games and doing nothing relatively productive, these things were not bad but they were my major distractions.

The following month, I stayed in a friend’s place and used every moment to gist on whatever content I found on Twitter. I’ll do this for hours every day, distracting my friend who was working. Social media became my house of solace while my online courses remained unattended. After a month and few weeks with my friend, I discovered I had procrastinated a lot and had not been productive and it hit me! I had a mojo drop and I had let it distract me from doing what was needed to be done.

Dear readers, if you’ve been finding work or something you love doing difficult lately, and you’ve been pushing the energy you use for these things into having self fun for weeks, that’s is a problem that needs to be fixed immediately because, at the end of the day, you’ll discover you have lost ample time that could have been used in doing something worthwhile.

It’s okay to have a mojo drop, the brain activates this sometimes, lack of motivation is also an emotion. You might not be able to control how they come but you can control their effects on you, when the brain is saying relax, and get away, don’t stay too long in that zone. Get out as soon as you can, else you’ll become more relaxed than expected.

The covid-19 lockdown experience is an example of outstayed vacation, and if you aren’t careful enough your brain can linger long to make you not get up and work.

However, when you’re unmotivated it’s a sign that you need to get your mojo back.

What to know.

Know that motivation should be a continual process and that you’re your greatest motivation. No one is in a better position to motivate yourself than you. You are your own motivation and your mind feeds the soul, and your soul depends so much on what you feed it.

If you’re currently living through a mojo drop, here are three things you should try doing.

How to get your mojo back.

1. Acknowledge you lack motivation.

One of the hardest things I think humans find doing is understanding their emotions and owning them. You need to accept that you are unmotivated and that’s the reason you haven’t been putting in the work. Also, find what triggers your lack of motivation — Stress, hunger and certain medications are triggers to mojo drop. When you identify your triggers it would be easy to navigate through them and get your motivation on.

2. Force motivation.

Yes, you heard it! Get up and do what needs to be done. To make this possible, you have to find out what works for you in forcing motivation. For some reading, sky gazing and music do it for them.

3. Keep motivating yourself.

Whenever you feel a mojo drop it is important to keep motivating yourself. It is your responsibility to get it going over and over again, push yourself by daily motivation. I have learned that saying positive words daily is a sure way of keeping your mojo level rising.

it’s not about reading only, applying what you learn works the magic. When should you start motivating? Right now of course.

Get working now!🙂



Utibe Usen

Utibe is a mum and content creator who is passionate about personal development and growth. She is a creative writer and counselor who bring words to life.