Positivity and Productivity is the New Currency.

Utibe Usen
2 min readMay 3, 2022

Photo by Clay Banks.

Hello Dear Readers,

I believe you have been doing your best to keep sane despite the many events taking place around the world.

I decided to stay positive and avoid letting the negatives affect my mental health.

On the other hand, I'm excited to share a lot that I've been busy with. Remember from earlier this year when I said I would share my journey with you as it unfolded? I have some good news to share with you.

  • I began a coaching course in February, which continued until April, with UN Ambassador Anita Okanigbe and a Performance Coach. Author of 'Miracle in the Storm’, a best-selling book.

My purpose in taking this course was to develop myself personally, make a career change and discover deeper aspects of myself. Were the costs and time spent worthwhile? Definitely. After the programme I had a major paradigm shift.

I will write about this life experience in a future post.

  • Secondly, my first book will be published soon. It has already started and I cannot wait for you to read this masterpiece I have written. You will not regret spending your money and time on it.

On a final note, I am working on some major life projects that I’ll let you all know about soon.

Meanwhile, May is here. We are slowly approaching the end of the year, before we know it. Bam! Christmas is here.

Are you doing anything? How are you managing your time and resources? How have you projected your life so far? What plans are you working on?

How many books are you reading? What are you investing your time in? What you invest your time in equals the output you’ll get in your life.

This means that whatever seed you sow is what you reap as a result. If you don't put time, energy and right knowledge into your craft or whatever you choose to do, nothing will come out of it.

Choose to do something about your life today, and choose well.

Till I write to you again, here are some books you can start with.

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear.
  • Secrets of the millionaire mind by T. Harv Eker.
  • Things I wished I’d known before I got married by Gary Chapman.
  • Emotional intelligence(master your emotions) mental toughness and anger management by G.S Baker.
  • The subtle art of not giving a fuck by Mark Manson.

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Utibe Usen

Utibe is a mum and content creator who is passionate about personal development and growth. She is a creative writer and counselor who bring words to life.