The Reasons Why Your Plans Are Failing.

Utibe Usen
4 min readJan 18, 2022

I don’t believe in new year resolutions.

I am looking at a paper and a pen on a table with the text ‘New Year resolutions’ written on it.

Welcome to the year 2022.

I would like to introduce myself here. My name is Utibe Usen, and I’m a content writer, aspiring author, motivational speaker, and looking to begin a career as a life coach this year. My hashtag is a writer with a purpose.

I’m a lady passionate about influencing my space through the stories and words I share with others. I am very interested in intentional growth in every area of my life, especially mental, emotional, and personal growth. I encourage anyone who is newly subscribed to this site to read through my previous posts; I believe you’ll find something useful.

My goal today is to explain why your plans are failing. People often write new year resolutions at the beginning of the year. I used to be one of them. In the beginning, it’s exciting. The start of a new year ignites some kind of energy in us. Often, we change one aspect of ourselves or our lives on the spur of the moment and without an elaborate plan on how to approach it.

Thus, after a month the excitement fades and you are soon caught up in life, work, and other commitments. In other words, you soon forget you had a plan written for the year. I am not suggesting that one should not make a new year’s resolution plan. By doing so, it can help determine what you didn’t accomplish last year, what you did accomplish, and what you can improve this year.

The main reasons people fail to fulfil their resolutions are a lack of time, resources, or motivation, or a lack of zeal after starting.

As the Bible says in (Habakkuk 2:2)
Then the LORD answered me and said, “Write the vision and engrave it plainly on [clay] tablets, so that the one who reads it will run. This explains the importance of having a plan and executing.

Let’s move on to why your plans are failing.

To begin with, you have no set plans per se.

Many people have no idea what a goal is. Their idea of a goal is vague, unrealistic, and the easiest to achieve. It’s easy to procrastinate and get tired of goals that are not measurable, time-bound, aren’t achievable or have any threats attached to them.

This is like saying I will enjoy my life to the fullest this year. How do you plan to do that? Some people consider resolutions to be of marginal importance. They simply do the first thing that comes to mind when they wake up in the morning as a new year’s resolution. That’s not how it works. All goals need a backup course of action for easy execution. Ask yourself the following questions about your goals:

  • How long will this take and how prepared am I?
  • Should I seek advice from an expert or a friend in order to set clear goals?
  • Is it possible to break these goals down into smaller chunks so they are easier to understand and assess?
  • Do these goals align with my needs this year?
  • Am I able to accomplish them in the time frame given?

By asking yourself these questions at the start of the year, you’ll have clarity on how to proceed.

The inability to motivate yourself.

You need to begin something with the right intention. In the absence of addressing the Why, taking action will not be enough. You will be going in circles.

Ask yourself:

  • What are my goals and how do you want to achieve them?
  • How do you intend to reach them? What motivates you?

At the beginning of the year, it is common for people to become frustrated and forget their goals as a result of a lack of motivation. Don’t let that happen to you. Discover your motivation and act on it. This is what makes you strive for achievement.


Psychologists Shelley Duval and Robert Wicklund in their book “A Theory of Objective Self Awareness”.

“Self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don’t align with your internal standards.”

By being self-aware, you can be objective in your thinking, your actions, and how you perceive the world. A self-aware individual knows what he or she wants and strives to attain it.

If you are not self-aware, it is very difficult to know what you need for yourself, and you do not understand who you are in relation to what you can do, or what your needs are. You will have a hard time setting a goal that corresponds to what you’re sure you want to achieve.

In order to overcome this, it is important for you to discover who you are and what you can do. However, this process is not automatic. It involves self-evaluation and open-mindedness, as well as conscious effort and time. In return, you become more confident about yourself and your abilities.

Personal accountability.

Failure to hold yourself accountable could be one reason you have not reached your goal. It’s easy to become distracted by life events and lose sight of what’s important. If you intend to achieve your set goals and plans, being accountable to someone or having a coach to assist you proves useful.

In summary.

  • No laid plans
  • Lack of motivation
  • Self-awareness
  • Accountability.

I hope this helps you prepare properly for the year ahead and align your goals. Don’t forget to like, share, and comment.



Utibe Usen

Utibe is a mum and content creator who is passionate about personal development and growth. She is a creative writer and counselor who bring words to life.