What do you do when Life happens again?

Utibe Usen
Sep 28, 2021
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

P.S: This article is not a lengthy one.

Have you ever been stuck in a difficult situation that is a repeat of a previous one, and you have to decide what to do. Right now, I’m in exactly that situation.

Currently, I am stuck in a delicate decision-making process, and for every time that has happened to me, I have not handled it with the strongest approach. Life isn’t always about being strong, it is also about making wise and smart decisions. A person’s choices sometimes determine how life turns out for them.

Which choices have you been making?

Currently, I am on the path of that, and I pray that God guides my path.

What do you do when life happens to you?



Utibe Usen

Utibe is a mum and content creator who is passionate about personal development and growth. She is a creative writer and counselor who bring words to life.